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How To Re-Balance The Nervous System After Narcissistic Abuse

You may have lived for a long time, surrounded by toxic manipulation that may have, unfortunately, felt 'normal' in childhood. You may have then found yourself in one sided relationships or romantic relationships that eerily resembled the relationships you had with toxic caregivers.

Then one day - you stumbled upon information that helped you to fully understand that you were in relationships with people that were high on the scale of NPD. The lightbulb went off and it felt so good to be deeply validated for your perspective, your feelings and thoughts - all of which the toxic person had been invalidating.

You strengthened yourself, broke out of enmeshment and you then detoxed your life from ALL toxic people.

You expected life to be great - you expected to be able to begin living as the 'real you'. And sadly, it was as if the 'narcissist' planted something within you that would not enable you to continue to move forward - in fact, trying to get 'unstuck' and move forward probably felt as if you were flinging yourself forward only to spatter against a brick wall again and again and again.

At this point - there's that scary moment when you wonder..... did I do the right thing? After all things are not seemingly getting better with me? Does that mean I am the problem? Was it me all along?

NO!!! It was not you! (take that as my virtual way of shaking some sense into you)

It was not you - but.... due to the abuse, manipulation and chronic stress, your nervous system has been affected and since your nervous system and your subconscious mind are inter-connected - your nervous system needs to be updated so that the abuse no longer 'lives on' in your body and subconscious mind.

This course was designed to help you to rebalance the nervous system. 

It was bad enough to have narcissists trying to keep you stuck in life, don't let your compromised nervous system finish the job. 

This is a self-paced video course, if you feel you can benefit from monthly courses just like this - feel free to check out the Thrivers School of Transformation!!